JAIBALAJI CONTROL GEARS PVT. LTD., manufactures a wide range of Jai Limit switches tested to rigid quality standards. Jai switches are ISI marked as per IS 13947 / Pt 5 / Sec - 1 Jai Limit Switches with wide range and high quality are used for import subsitution. The range includes: • STANDARD OIL TIGHT TYPE BC-9 • MICRO ADJUSTABLE TYPE JW • PRECISION TYPE JO • HEAVY DUTY JB 2700 • EXTRA HEAVY DUTY TYPE JC - 1125 • GENERAL PURPOSE TYPE CEE EM 45 SPECIAL FEATURES • Completely oil & water tight and dust and damp proof. • Ample wiring space for easy termination. • Flame retardant thermoplastic barriers between terminals to prevent short circuit. • Serrated terminal to give firm grip to straight wire.